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Delta Cinema History Comes Alive on

Did you know that the Delta region has produced towering figures in television, film and theater who have transformed their respective fields? Thanks to Delta Cinema World, a new series of video clips now available on, more people will have the opportunity to discover these fascinating stories.

Delta Cinema World delivers numerous short, powerful stories highlighting the movie, film, and theater personalities from the city and its surrounding area who helped change the nation. “In the Arkansas Delta, Pine Bluff is the undisputed epicenter of cinematic excellence,” said Sheri Storie, Executive Director of Explore Pine Bluff. “The city’s actors, directors, producers, screenwriters, editors, filmmakers, and others have taken Hollywood to new heights.”

From giving the world "talking" movies to inventing the Nielsen Ratings System to producing Hollywood's first Western genre movie star, Pine Bluff and the surrounding locale can lay claim to some stupendous distinctions. For instance, Batman, The Green Hornet, The Bionic Woman, The Incredible Hulk, Sanford & Son, Good Times, The Jeffersons, Dolemite, Star Trek, and many other productions featured Pine Bluff area talent on camera or behind the scenes. Delta Cinema World traces the pathway to success that catapulted these professionals to fame and stardom.

People of all ages will enjoy discovering the stories of influencers with Pine Bluff connections, including Helen Seamon, John Donley, Ena Hartman, Beth Brickell, Jerry Jones, Kay Linaker, Kenneth Johnson, Chester Himes, Mary Mouser, Harold Wooley, Freeman Harrison Owens, and the Kidnapper’s Foil. New clips are frequently added to the Delta Cinema World page.

“Every one of these stories is riveting, but most of them have gone untold until now,” Sheri added. “Thanks to the efforts of Jimmy Cunningham, Explore Pine Bluff’s Interpretive Coordinator, we are finally able to bring this hidden cinematic history to anyone with a smart phone or digital device. These stories deserve wider recognition and that’s what we’re giving them.”


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