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Check Out Pine Bluff's Famous Downtown Murals


Pine Bluff's Famous Downtown Murals
(Locations, descriptions and photos below)

Don’t miss these exquisite and educational works of art on the exterior walls of several of Pine Bluff’s downtown buildings. Listen to the audio files below to hear a more detailed description of each work.

The Arkansas Flag

Chestnut & U.S. 65B: Honors Willie Hocker, designer of the State Flag of Arkansas.

The Arkansas Flag Mural - audio description
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The Saracen Mural

100 S. Main St.: Dedicated to the memory of Quapaw Chief Saracen, Rescuer of the Stolen Children and legendary hero of Jefferson County.

The Saracen Mural - audio description
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The Delta Heritage Mural

129 S. Main St.: Depicting scenes in the life of Jefferson County residents between the 1920s and 1940s.

The Delta Heritage Mural - audio description
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The Medical Mural

201 S. Main St.: Celebrates the history of the past and present medical facilities in Pine Bluff, including Davis hospital and Jefferson Regional Medical Center.

The Medical Mural - audio description
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UAPB Mural

204 S. Main St.: Traces the growth of Branch Normal College, which became Arkansas AM&N and is now the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff.

UAPB Mural - audio description
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The Movie Mural

209 S. Main St.: Honors Freeman Harrison Owens and Max Aaronson, two Pine Bluffians who contributed much to the movie industry.

The Movie Mural - audio description
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Main Street 1888 Mural

224 S. Main St.: Main Street as it appeared in 1888.

Main Street 1888 Mural - audio description
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Pine Bluff's Musical Legacy

300 S. Main St.: Pine Bluff's newest mural

highlights the musical legacy of the city.

The Timber Mural

301 E. 5th Ave.: Depicts elements of the timber industry, including logging, train steam engines, and sawmills.

The Timber Mural - audio description
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The River Mural

111 W. 5th Ave.: Portrays life on the Arkansas River during another time.

The River Mural - audio description
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The Old Fire Station Mural

716 S. Main St.: City Hall and Fire Station, circa 1892.

The Old Fire Station Mural - audio description
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Come Back Again, Y'all!

Don’t be surprised if it takes more than one trip to experience everything the Delta Family Heritage Trail has to offer. There’s always something going on in Pine Bluff—with fun family activities available in the winter, spring, summer, and fall. Make return trips to fun events a new family tradition!

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